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The biggest collection of Infinite Craft recipes in one place.

The most affordable way to make 🏞️ Fjord requires 2 ingredients.
The cheapest recipes are:

🏞️ Fjord

🏞️ Fjord needs 🌊 Lake and 🏔️ Mountain

How to make 🏞️ Fjord in Infinite Craft?

To make Fjord, you will need 🌊 Lake or 🏔️ Mountain.

For a more detailed recipe, you will need 💧 Water, 💧 Water, 🌎 Earth, 🌎 Earth.

What are the basic elements in Infinite Craft?

In Infinite Craft, players start with four fundamental elements: 💧 Water, 🔥 Fire, 🌬️ Wind, and 🌍 Earth.

How many items are in Infinite Craft?

It's difficult to provide an exact count as only the developers of the game have access to this information. However, Infinite Craft offers a vast selection of items, estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands or even millions, providing players with a wide range of crafting possibilities.

Can I combine more than two elements at once in Infinite Craft?

No, in Infinite Craft, you can only combine two elements at a time. Additionally, you can combine an element with itself. For example, combining wood with wood to craft a Tree.

InfiniteCraftRecipe.com. All rights reserved. We are not associated with nor are we the developers of the game Infinite Craft. This website is simply created by a group of people who love the game.